A New Fantasy-Fiction Novel with a Tibetan and Nepali Humanitarian Effort
Successfully raised $23,100 on Kickstarter!
Ryder’s latest fantasy-fiction novel The Monastery comes exclusively to Kickstarter in an effort to raise money for a Tibetan Children’s Village and the construction of a new Nepali monastery.
Tibetan Children’s Village
The Mission of Tibetan Children’s Villages (TCV) – an integrated charitable organisation – is to ensure that all Tibetan children under its care receive a sound education, a firm cultural identity and become self-reliant and contributing members of the Tibetan community and the world at large.
Thu Che Che Monastery
After the pandemic hit in Nepal, many people lost their livelihood. The vibrant mala shops in the courtyard of Boudha closed their doors, and Susant was one of those people who struggled quite hard. Retreating from the busy streets of Kathmandu back to the hills of Namobuddha, Susant and his family created a gardening business and began work on the Thu Che Che Monastery.
But as is so in times that are tough, hardship struck again. Thu Che Che’s financiers could no longer fund the construction of this sacred safe space, and building stopped. Again, Susant and his family found themselves one of the thousands of families out of work. Therefore, 25% of profits will go to the building of a beautiful monastery that one day will heal the hearts of others, and help them to get back on the right path, where they can make a difference in this world.
Bodhi J.M.S Ryder's latest work tells the magical story of Susant, a Nyimian cobbler’s boy who’s nightly visions inspire him to travel in search of a mystical monastery cloaked in the clouds.
For centuries, an Empire has been conquering and enslaving country after country, eradicating their traditions, their cultures, and their languages, and replacing them with its own. At the time of our story, Nyima is the only country left, but not for long.